Thursday, December 8, 2011

There are a lot of good people in this world.

Do you know what today is?

Well, today happens to be a big day ladies and gentlemen. It's thee LAST day of school for the semester.
LAST DAY. nbd.

and well, for a last day it was quite a pleasant one at that.
#1- My teacher brought us cookies (I can never get enough sugar and chocolate in class)

#2- Why am I such a grinch?
Everyone is talking about shopping, let's be honest i've been THINKING about Christmas shopping.  Have I done any yet? No. Not a single present, for not a single person. T-minus 17 days until Christmas... i'm so out of the spirit.
Then this happened.... my cute friend who i've been in a couple of classes with and we've become really good friends with, gave me a Christmas present! She is such a sweetheart and it completely caught me off guard.
Reality check #1 for the day. Be a good friend. Some people on this are just downright good people. Jordan Anderson is one of them.

#3- I love teachers that care, really really really care.
I have a marketing professor, Eric Schulz, he is one of the most excellent teachers I have had throughout my whole college experience. You know those teachers who, can just teach? (sounds stupid I know) But he can. He just has a way of engaging and sucking you in, making you believe in what he is teaching. He's incredibly successful yet passionate. Well, because of his success and somewhat bold, hilarious, personality I always thought of him as a tough guy type. Well, he surprised me today, he told us this, "success comes from love. Passion can be FAKED. Love CANNOT"
He is passionate about what he does, heck even when he said this he started tearing up. The man who is not afraid to throw shit and hell around in class and tells funny stories.
He really cares.
Thank you Eric, you really taught me not only marketing but how to pursue my dreams and be passionate about what it is I am pursuing.

So, that was my last day of class.
Let's just hope I can be as passionate of a teacher as they are.

(p.s. I so far have 2 for sure A's. YEssss)