Monday, August 20, 2012

A little run in the mud? Yes.

Have you ever heard of Cahoots?
It's a mud run/obstacle course. 
Team event.
Kinda amazing race style. 
Jeff and I did it a couple of weekends ago. 
These are the lovely pictures that the photographer of the event captured. 
How evil am I?
Like really, that is a face of a demon, and I'm gripping my claws deep into Mr. Parker's shoulders. 

Then... don't worry... I dunk his face FULLY in the mud.

But oh wait, it gets better. 
Then I point and laugh. 
Aren't I thee best girlfriend ever?

All-in-all the race was pretty fantastic. 
How could it not be?
(maybe the best part was I had to go to work directly after. No showering, just a little rinse from a trick of water. I left a trail of mud wherever I walked at work that night.)


Settling in to real life

So here I am. It's now August, summer is almost over... How in the ell did that happen? Regardless, life is great. Pretty darn great. The new job? Well shoot, that's a stress basket all by itself, but it's rather fantastic!

So here's my real story. Last Saturday I was playing with this boy named Jeff Parker. He's pretty cool, I guess.. So we do lots of cool things but last time. Was pretty cool. The real reason I wanted to write about it is because as we were doing, this un-explained, activity he was like, " I need to write things like this down, because then later in life I can go back and look at the stupid thing that I did."

Okay, so now do I have you wondering, what in the devil did they do? Well.... it really wasn't all that crazy. And I cannot even come close to doing it justice by explaining what we did. But here we go.

Have you ever heard of cutler dam? Maybe not. So there is a dam, and like most dam's there is a canyon on the other side of the dam (I'm really enjoying typing dam so many times..). But this dam has promised another city that they would supply water to them, so at the top of the dam there is a canal. Cutler canal. But it's super secret and apparently super illegal to do.

So there we were 3 boys and Kailey. Off to cutler canal we went. Mind you, you have to do this late at night. So here we are in the middle of really no-where driving up and down switch-backs, down steep dirt roads, a little creeped out, weird dogs are howling, we're worried the police is on our tail, we're surrounded by some creepy huge electricity machine from the dam... there's the situation.

We hike in the pitch black to where we need to go in to float. Mind you you're hiking along a trail in which there is a steep drop off on one side, and then working our way across metal gates, where below is sheer cliffness. I had my big girl pants on, yes.

We start floating. I'm feeling good. Enjoying myself. Giggling. Having a grand old time. Then we hear something. Footsteps, SH**.

Here's the deal. I would consider myself a pretty adventuresome person. But in reality, let's be honest. I hate doing things that may get me into trouble or be illegal. So at this point i'm panicking. I just want to get out and surrender. We've lost half the group, and thank my lucky stars Jeff was still by my side.

Okay, so I had my freak out. Came to my senses. We keep going. Creepy birds are squaking, I don't like this. Then. Then. WE SEE PEOPLE. Now, now, now i'm freaking. BUT then, it's just more of our fellow floaters. It was ok. No copper encounters that night.

I wish I had pictures... but i don't... so there is my story that I felt obligated to write. Maybe 30 years from now i'll look back and realize what an idiot I am.