Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wild Monkeys, Church, and a whole lotta goodness!

Spiritually fed by Taiwan

(Ps I don't know how to move the dang pictues so there just going to stay there)

Well Taiwan, good old Taiwan. Tis a great place to be!! Ok well, in the past couple of weeks a lot of great things have happened!

To start er off two Saturdays ago we went to this place called Eurshui. It is this little tiny town that has a forest with monkeys! Yes I know real life wild monkeys, fantastic. This place was incredible. It was the first time I really got to experience the jungles of Taiwan, which by the way are truly a sight to be held. So after a long, and FREAKIN HOTTEST bike ride of my life we got to the place. Ok, great I was thinking we’re here. Nope, then you’ve gotta walk up the mountain, I literally thought I may melt at any moment. But anyways it was really cool. We start walking up this path and were burning up right? You’d think the people on the sides with their little stands would be selling drinks and ice cream right? Nope, these people decide this place would be a good place to sell underwear, socks, and hard boiled eggs. What the Hail?!?! I couldn’t fathem what in the devil these people are thinking. C’mon people this doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that while people are hiking it the forest in freaking 100 degree weather WE WANT WATER, NOT UNDERWEAR AND HARD BOILED EGGS!!! Ok well aside from the weirdness of that Eurshui was great! The locals treated us a little more like the monkeys the way they would look, point, and wave. It was also really cool because as you walked up there was tons of bamboo plants and when they blow in the wind it sounds like old creaky doors. Creepy but really cool.

Ok, so moving on last Sunday we go the pleasure of going to Taipei to hear President Uchtdorf speak. Simply amazing is about all I have to say. Hearing that man speak anytime in general is generally bliss, but hearing him talk, in person, in Taiwan well I’ll just leave that up to your imagination how unforgettable it was.

As for this week, this week yet again was great! I really use the words great, amazing, cool, fantastic, and unforgettable too much but there is just nothing else to describe it, Taiwan!! But this week one of my students parents invited us to go to dinner with them at a restaurant called, Tasty. Oh baby oh it really is called Tasty for a very good reason! We had heard that this place served you a several course dinner, but I was blind to what I had in store for me to eat that night. We get in there and ladies and gentleman they served us a 7 yes, I’ll spell it differently SEVEN course meal!! I thought I had eaten a lot on my cruise with my grandma, no this puts that to dire shame. I seriously can’t even recall some of the dishes they just kept on a comin and a comin.

That was on Friday night and on Saturday we again got the pleasure of going to Taipei with our ward. We got to go to baptisms for the dead, again I will say it, bliss. The Taipei temple is so adorably quaint! It was really is the tiniest temple I’ve ever seen. Seriously the font water came half way up my thigh and my toes were touching the front and when I got dunked I was real scared I was gonna hit the back. Amazing though, made the whole experience all the better. Yet another reason why Taiwan is bliss. After this we got the pleasure of going to Taipei 101! WOW OH WOW! That snickerdudle is large!! It’s like a freaking giant!

Well yet again this post is ridiculously long and I apologize for that. I really will try to post more often because I have to leave out so many ridiculous stories and details this way!!

Oh by the way…. I got a calling in our ward today. Ready for this…. Ward…….. Re……………ef……. So….cie….ty….PRRRRREEESSIIIDENT. Yes, me Kailey Jean Larsen Relief Society President. I think I’ll go and crap my pants now. Buh bye.

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