Sunday, August 1, 2010

Loving the Lukang

Okay, so first of all lets discuss the Taiwanese art. I can't really figure out what goes through these people's brains when it comes to art. Ok, I can see some random ugly art pieces around town, everywhere's gotta have one or two... But Taiwan, Taiwan brings ugly random art to a whole new level. For instance this gem of a goat. I really don't think goats even live in Taiwan nor should they belong in the middle of a really large park in the middle of the 2nd biggest city in Taiwan. But this isn't even all of them! Every single day I pass a VERY large statue of David, good thing i didn't see it in Italy... Taiwan's got me covered. But seriously these people need an art lesson on some good art. PRONTO!

Yes sadly Taiwan has Dominoes, along with tons of other American food chains. But luckily they put their own swing on the pizza. I'm not even sure if you can get the regular pepperoni or cheese pizza here. It's all seafood, really really weird. This one is lobster and it actually really delicious!

This.... ladies and gentlemen would be duck brain. Yes real duck, quack quack, brain. As if it was not enough that I ate duck, which was quite tasty, we chowed down the juicy brain. Let's just say it's probably not something that I want to experience EVER again. But it was an experience and the Taiwanese people LOVE it!

Lukang with yet, surprise surprise more odd Taiwanese statues. I still can't grasp the whole thought process. "Ya, ya, ya that's brilliant two ugly cartoon cats would be a perfect way to welcome visitors to our lovely town."

This is a temple is Lukang which they were doing rituals. It was an incredible temple and was HUGE!! It actually is a Taiwan National Monument. It is really interesting they come in with big ol' platters of any kind of food, and these huge bouquets of flowers and put them on a table in front of the temple. Then they go in with incense and pray and wave the things around. I really wanted to take picture of them but I felt bad so i just took a picture looking out. My question is though what in the devil do they do with all that food people bring throughout the day?!? No wonder people want to be monks they get to have a free feast every night!!

This is at the Lukang Folk Arts Museum.... I don't know why but I really miss swinging and throughoghly enjoyed this! Lukang was in general just an amazing place! It's really old town and is just a classy place. It almost feels like the Park City of Taiwan. There is a lot of quality things you can get there. Like these awesome fans this dudes makes. You can seriously bring in a picture of anything you want, anything and he'll paint it on a fan for you! They're beautiful! I definitely need to get one of the temple. Oh this also shows a good picture of the trees here. They are awesome and all have their roots above ground. These two were pretty small but alot of them have rope like things that hang down from them, George of the jungle style.

Ok, I had to put this in. I don't think people understand what a squatter is. Well.. the above picture not only lets you see it, but also how it is used. Why these people have them is beyond me! Sure yes i would love to pop a squat into this TINY little hole, which many people before me, as well as myself, have missed. Yep, I love standing in pee while peeing while standing. But the thing that gets me even more is these puppies are in 21st century buildings! Why? Maybe i'm not using it right or something but I dread having to ever use a public toilet, which seems like is quite frequently, crap! (Quite literally)

Ok, so i had to put this in. Pretty much everywhere we go someone says,"OH you are so beautiful" or they try to sneakily take a picture of us from their cell phones, most people stare sctrach that EVERYONE stares! It really is almost even more weird to me now if I go somewhere and people don't stare. But anyways people ask to take pictures with us all the time and I finally had the guts to ask if I could get a picture too. I really love the chick in the striped shirt. It was so blinkin hot that day i thought I was going to melt! She shows it.

Ok, well there's an update on my life!! Wahoo, and teaching, teaching is great!! I really love the kids. Sometime I want to strangle them but overall they are adorable and when they do random things like break down in 80's love songs, repeat EVERY single word I say... literally...and dance to Michael Jackson I can't help but love them!

1 comment:

  1. In regards to the Goat, this is wild: it's not art, so much as it was a giant float for the "Year of The Goat" festivities in Taichung of the same year. It lit up and lasers shot out of its eyes, one of the most surreal things I have ever seen.

    Nice post, btw, have an awesome time in Taiwan.

