Saturday, April 24, 2010

Livin' the ridiculous life!

Hmmm... So I was just sitting thinkin... man my life is a little CRAZY! I'm going to be out of the country quite a bit in the next few months so I thought well... lets make a Blog! Hmm.... we'll see how this goes considering the last time I wrote in my journal was in 2004. oops...

So here's a breif overview of my last couple of weeks... Last Saturday I ran the Salt Lake Half Marathon with some friends! So awesome, besides the fact that I came so ridiculously close to crapping my pants at the finish line it's not even funny! Shew... seriously if that puppy had of been ten more steps i'd be a goner!
So ya know after that my body is a little sore, reasonably. It's been B-E-Autiful out lately so... My friend Laura and I decide to rent a bike. This is not just any bike we rented however. This is a tandum bike. Oh and did I mention this is not just any plain old Tandum Bike? NO this puppy is a bike breed of it own! You ride side-by-side and a bar connects you together. The second I saw that sucker I KNEW we MUST rent it! So we did. We started riding around having a good old time. Now it's time to ride home... down a large hill... Ok sweet!!! LETS GO FAST! Bad, Bad, Bad Idea. We hit a parking meter. Rolled several times. Totalled the bike. Never had I layed in the curb, thinking I just might die. I look up the bike is mangled, Laura is puking her guts out and I feel like i'm going to do the same! Finally after laying in the curb for quite a while a nice man in a truck took us home. (the bike's tires were a little un-round now so she didn't roll too well). We got home went to the doctor.. blah blah blah Couple of stiches later, broken hand (yet again), lots of bruises, and some roadrash and we've now got one SWEET story to tell!
So ya know that comes pretty close to how my life goes in a synopsis! But just getting ready for freaking HELL week, and then off to Europe in 4 weeks!!! Woot Woot!!

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