Sunday, May 2, 2010

I need a slap in the face. I'm not sure if i'm living in reality!!!!

This weekend has been so epic if I don't write it down somewhere it could possibly be a sin. Ok so to start off I FINALLY found out what city i'm going to in Taiwan!! So stoked... it's ChangHua and it's in the middle of the island on the closest side to China. (It may be really stupid of me but I don't know if that's on the east or west side of the island) anyways.... so I'm ridiculously stoked for that!! I've been creepishly stalking this other girls blog that I think I may just be her roomate (creepy how much you can find out on the magical internet) but it sounds lovely there!
Ok so moving on... if that had been any other week that and the fact that finals are coming up would probably be the MOST exciting thing going on in my life. This week however... no. So Friday I went to the Jazz playoffs game with the dam family. AWESOME! The Jazz won and to top the night off a drunk man spilled beer on my little sister! A night isn't complete in the Larsen family without some sort of excitment. Ok the Jazz game although I was oddly ridiculously excited about going... isn't even the best part of the weekend! So that night I get a text that my roomate Nicole is engaged!!! Wahoo!! Never would haven seen that one coming at the begining of the year... So FREAK i'm way excited about this!! But ya know i've known this is coming... we've been dress shopping togther I knew he had the ring... so I knew the engagment was coming any doay!
Okay, so the next night I came back to Logan everything was all honky dory just screwing around like the usuall. Then Marlee comes home. I come into our apartment not really knowing what in the devil is going on and low and behold.... dah dah dah MARLEE IS ENGAGED!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the *&@$!! I had NO idea. THis is thee biggest suprise of my life!! I was screaming so loud I quite literally wet myslef a bit and began to break a sweat. It's all right I didn't go to the gym yesterday because the calories I burned from the reaction were sufficient. I seriously live 5 feet away from her. I know everything, even her bowel movement schedule and she managed to keep her engagment a secret from me for an entire month!! The little terd. But needless to say i'm incredibly happy for the woman!
Man life isssssssssss gooooooddd!

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