Thursday, March 31, 2011

Life is just downright funny.

So sometimes, I just do things. Ya well we all do things, your thinking Kailey, you idiot. Well..... I do things and normal people would have a thought process which they would go through BEFORE they encountered their actions. Well apparently at my 21 years of age I still don't know how to quite process my thoughts and the consequences of them BEFORE i act on them...

Here's my funny story: (keep in mind my above stupidity)

It's a lovely Friday, which I was spending at home with my lovely family. Six o'clock rolled around, and you know what that means on a Friday night? Time to go out to dinner. So my Papa, Mama, and little bro saddled up and headed to Union Station in Ogden. I was oh so excited, if you haven't been there and you have a love for onions, you need to go. There French Onion Soup=DELICIOUS!! Anyways....

We are ever so nicely seated at the table, about ready to order when: (why the font is so small... you're telling me)
A chick walks in and my dad says, "oh look that's your friend Radon" (which is this awesome SBO advisor I had in High School) We were just about to eat so I was like oh hey! I'll have to go say hello to her after we're done eating. We eat. I drank at least 5 glasses of water (which I do every time. I'm like a freaking camel when i eat out, and those dang waiters just keep filling it up!) so I needed to go to the bathroom urgently. Well apparently, how badly I needed to go to the bathroom blocked my mental ability. I walk over to what was thought to be her ba facing me. I was a little skeptical as to if it was her, and then I saw the dude sitting next to her, he looked EXACTLY like her husband and was even wearing some fire fighter like t-shirt, which her husband is.
So, she was wearing a hoodie. I walk up behind her and put her hoodie on her head. Like fully over her head, covereing her eyes. I walk to the front of the table oh so excited to see her.... except it wasn't her.
I. felt. like. a. fool.
The people didn't even laugh and I was just dying. And said oh my gosh!! Like 8 times, and walked away. The other people were so awkward.

There ya have it people, that's why life it just funny. Things like this that keep me giggling. Sometimes I think about this story while i'm in bed and just giggle all to myself.

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