Monday, November 14, 2011

Back in Action and FULL of GREAT news.

Uhh.. HELLO?

Want to know something so amazingly fantastic it just tickles me beyond pink?!?!?!?

I. Kailey.Jean.Larsen. Got. Accepted. To. Do. Teach. For. America.

UHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!

Do you know what this means?!
1) For the next 2 years I will be living in North Carolina
2) I will be Teaching English (possibly secondary education as well if i'm really lucky)
3) It's my first big girl job- retirement, paid-time off, salary, 401k plan, the whole nine yards
4) I will get my Masters in Education
5) This opens up oodles of doors for me for my future career (Harvard for an MBA? Most likely come 2014)
(ok ok ok it's alright for me to live in a dream world right? Ok, I will don't worry)
6) Most importantly it means i'm just really excited to be accepted to be a part of this incredible organization!!

You may be like what in the hail is Teach For America anyway Kailey. Well.... I'll tell you, did you know there is a disgusting achievement gap in America? There is, our education system in low-income communities is downright not ok. A child that does not finish High School is 8 TIMES more like to go to prison, 8 in 10 kids don't graduate from High School in low-income areas where Teach For America goes... America needs to step up their education a notch.

Every child deserves the chance to succeed. I'm going to do my VERY best to give these kids the opportunity to.

Better yet.... Will you PLEASE just watch a movie called Waiting for Superman? It's pretty much explains the missions of Teach For America

it's reeeeaallll good.

I'm reeeeaalll nervous. BUT EVEN MORE EXCITED.

I'll keep you posted.

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