Friday, November 25, 2011

The Holidays sure are HAPPY!

I have been looking forward to Christmas since about oooh January? I wasn't in America for Christmas last year and well... while it was really fabulous in Taiwan it just wasn't the same....

Here are some reasons that have made the Holidays FABULOUS for me so far....

#1- Bowling
It's a Thanksgiving tradition to go bowling on Thanksgiving in the Larsen family. Let me tell ya it is always quite the adventure. We're a family of real bowlers.... especially myself....
Let's just say my Grandma (82 years young mind you) won me by 40 points....
I know where my talent lies..

#2- Christmas Tree!
Alright, i'm sorry I know this picture is kinda crappy but. you get the jist of it! Can you see why I LOVE Christmas trees?
Well..... while this tree is rather grand and quite the spectacle, it was not always like that.
We cut this baby down at the Kapp tree farm in Mt. Green. Every year we kid around, like man this tree is going to fall off the car. (some years it has come disgustingly close and by the time we get home it's horizontally on the car) Well folks.....
this year, here are the Larsen's driving home with their lovely tree strapped on top, thanks to Dave Larsen. We're in Weber Canyon (this is a FREEWAY mind you) the wind starts picking up, CRACK, BOOM BASH, the tree is OFF THE CAR!
I'm pooping my pants at this point. A car runs over the tree, luckily it was ok and they just keep driving. I got out of the car and booked it as fast as my little legs would go and pulled it out of the road.
Our twine was broken..... uh.... we had nothing to tie it back onto the car with...
being the Larsen's we had a BRILLIANT idea. Shove the TWENTY FOOT tree INSIDE of the car....
So we did. i'm sure it was rather comical to those driving around us.
It was rather comical to me.
But on the bright side at least we didn't cause some 20 car pileup or something, and guess what? The tree wasn't even damaged.

#3- Dave Larsen the newest Christmas "rapper"
My dad is a funny guy.... or so he thinks so.
They went Christmas shopping this morning and my mom is already wrapping the presents.
Dave, the great man he is, thinks he should make up a Christmas rap, while they wrap.
He's been bouncing around the house rapping the most ridiculous Christmas "wrap" i've ever heard.

See why these Holidays are just Happy?

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