Thursday, March 15, 2012

San Francisco

Have you ever been to San Francisco?
Well... if not, you should go. It's quite a treat. 
We went this past week for our spring break to stay with a friend there.
It brought us nothing but joy and giggles.
View from twin peaks. I tell you what. 
If you are just DYING to go to an incredibly hilly city,
go to San Fran.
You WILL NOT be disappointed. 
(don't worry, apparently my diva status was feeling high that day)

Such an artsy cool city. I felt like kinda a bum sometimes walking around in my jeans
and t-shirt. Everyone is not only artsy but, fashion conscious. 

Muir Woods= mini version of the Redwood Forests. 
Needless to say they are still AWESOME!!!!!!!
It's only a half hour drive from the city and such a saweet little oasis

Yep, I took that. Proud of myself yes I am. 

I was really excited to walk across the Golden Gate. 
(FYI Golden Gate is 1.7 miles across, and plan on walking both ways)

Most definitely my FAVORITE picture of the entire trip.
So what if we maybe sat on the corner waiting for buses quite often, to then realize we were on the wrong side and then would walk across the street to wait again. So what? We enjoyed looking at the curb.
(in case you were wondering that's a baby carrot. Laura LOVES baby carrots) 

Union Square and of course you have to do the Chinese heart when in front of a heart. 
(Chloee too appreciates my deep love of Asians)

Chinatown San Francisco = HEAVEN on earth!
It's kinda freaky how similar it is to Asia. 
Just add in about 4o jillion more people and high rise buildings and sha bam!
They had a lot of authentic food 
like steamed buns....
Obviously I love these from my face and miss them.
P.S. I may or may not have eaten about 10 moon cakes while I was there.... So what? They were tasty.
I still couldn't find spring onion pancakes though...i'm on my hunt!

You cannot go to San Fran and not ride the trolly, hanging on outside and all.

Lovely Seafood din din with our host Justin.
Note: Clam Chowder in sourdough bowls = AMAZING!!
P.S. stop by Ghiradelli, the smell the second you walk in is worth the walk, let alone the free chocolate they give you at the door. 

Laura's face explains this dilemma quite well.
So it was raining quite a bit the day we left. There we were zipping our way along back to Utah, when BAM
That toyota corolla definitely does not qualify.
Driving along there are these dude trying to sell chains, mind you at this point it was still raining, maybe slushing a bit.
So we pull off and start calling our parents for advice. 
Because in UTAH a storm warning of such would mean there is some serious snow going on, right?
Laura obviously didn't like what her parents had to say..
Needless to say after contemplating what to do for a good half hour we went in and talked to the workers at the gas station. 
They told us if we're from Utah we'll be fine.
We were. I drove 65 most of the way. Next to the dinguses driving with chains on in light rain. Idiots
Another note to self- if you ever driving through that pass (name I can't remember at this point) don't listen to the storm warnings. THEY. ARE DUMB

and now.... i'm sitting at home safely. going to work on some homework, read my book, and ski. What a great way to top off a lovely spring break.

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