Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh nothing, just saying goodbye to the best times of my life... no big.

So okay this is a little delayed but I officially graduated 2 weeks ago!!!!
But.... here's the thing. I loved Logan.
Everything about it. My friends. The weather. Crazy teachers. Granny G. Everything.
And not its gone...
I start a big kid job soon...
don't worry i'll have life insurance... i'm really that old? (I need a beneficiary for that 100k plan, so start sucking up my friends)
So i was looking through some pictures of the last month of two and thought i'd share....
these are a select few reasons why my heart loves stinky Cache Valley so much!
sorry be prepared for a profuse amount of pictures...
These last couple of weeks before I left were pretty swell..

I'll miss spending WAY too much time sitting in the hammock. 
Thinking about doing homework...
but letting my laziness overpower me. 

Okay, well this will still happen...
but... i'll miss random road trips with my BFF's
(this is when we went to Vail for the FD ball)

I'll miss, mogoli, Hali climbing around in trees and being cool.
She's going on a mission to Russian. 
What a woman!

Chance. What a true gem.
She's always up for an adventure. 
Tahiti here she comes!

Ash and Kev. 
Look at those cool catz.
Who wouldn't miss having them over all the time?

And of course miss Cholee Porter.
She rocks my socks.
I no longer have a tennis buddy.

I'll miss going to random things like baby animal days. 
(just for the record I FINALLY went this year. Every year I miss the dang baby animal days., and well.... it was just swell. We even got to go with those cuties.)

Yep, just holding little baby animals on cloud 9. No big deal. 

I'll miss random little celebrations...
and the creativity of having nothing to celebrate with.
This is how Hali does it.
One pudding and about 20 matches.
I lived with thee coolest chicks.

Seriously. It was just a party all the time. 

I'll miss people in our ward randomly knocking on our door asking us if we want to go fly in their plane.

It was a rather lovely way to bid Cache Valley goodbye.

I'll miss these girls talking me into running a triathlon without training. 

-word of advice, if you do a triathlon, remember a helmet. 
Chance was smoking hot in that ski helmet. 

I loved Logan.
Mind you these adventures were just from a month or two of fun.
Now I move on.
Big kid job here I come.
I've got a lot to learn,
and I truly am excited for what lies in the future!!


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