Sunday, May 20, 2012

My girl Kelly + Cancer = Smiling Kailey

So I may or may not have an odd obsession with the Kelly Clarkson song Stronger. So be it. Me and all the other 12 year old girls will represent. 
Then... then I was introduced to this. It just made the song about 47 jillion times better!!!


While we are on the subject of cancer, you know what I was able to be a part of this weekend that was a total blast? Oh represent wacky in the Ogden Marathon. But don't be deceived, we walked the 5k, yep WALKED.     It was a royal blast and made me so grateful for all of the incredible people in my life. I have this incredible support system of just downright good people around me. They hold me to a higher standard and keep me walking on the straight and narrow. I am so blessed to be have such incredible family and friends. They open doors and provide opportunities to me that most people could only dream about. I am truly one blessed chicky.

Here are some highlights from the event...

Cait and I at the starting line. The starting line you say? Where are all the people? Oh they are just about 15 minutes down the road.... we were just a smidge late.... oops. However, it merely added to the greatness of the event. 

Oh ya know just dressed up in our Wacky attire.
Please do your best to refrain from getting too jealous of Jeff and my stunning attire. 

All-in-all obviously the event was a success and it was nothing but smiles, fun, and giggles.

One last note, cute Tyler Smith lost his fight with cancer this weekend. He was one heck of a fighter. Inspire yourself and read his story at:


  1. Oh Kailey. I love that video and that you and jeff are wearing mustaches. you are great Kailey Jean Larson.

  2. larsen. how in the heck do you spell your last name?
