Saturday, January 1, 2011

Reality Slap

(sorry again I started this post last week but, haven't had the time to finish it until now)
How did this happen?!?! 
One minute i'm unpacking and trying to find my lost baggage, the next i'm packing it up again. Seriously though. 
I've decided that while I've been in Taiwan I kinda live in la la land. I really don't live in reality. Meaning I don't understand time. While teaching here has definitely been thee HARDEST thing I've ever done in my entire life, it still is like we're on a vacation. I know this is only short term so the whole time we've been here has just felt like a daydream.

We were riding our bikes the other night and passed by this puppy. You realize that this thing is HUGE right? Well it is. And you want to know what is really is? It is a freaking huge temple for a puppet show. The puppet shows here are nuts, and for some reason they just popped this one up in the middle of our city.

They have life size dolls that spin around and it plays music. Pretty sick.

Unfortunately, this is also my reality at the moment. The reality not being my disgusting looking face. The new teachers came this week meaning we had to move out of our rooms and are staying at an apartment next door to our old one. Well Karyn and I are sleeping together. To our dismay last night we went in to go to bed, completely EXHAUSTED. Well.... we locked our key in our bedroom. crap. I was so pissed. We tried picking the lock for a good 15 minutes. Failure. So, being completely moved out we had nothing. No pillows, no blankets, nothin. So we got to sleep on the couch. Lucky. us.
Oddly though it'll be things like this that i'll miss so much about Taiwan. Our lives are ALWAYS ALWAYS some sort of crazy mess. But, it makes it really fun. I've loved flyin by the seat of my pants in everything we do here! It makes life real exciting.

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