Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Zigh Jian Taiwan

I fell in love with these kids.
Really truly.
I CANNOT believe it's over. Here I am sitting here at 4 in the morning at my house, trying to get over jet lag.
Where did the last 6 months go?
Why am I not telling kids to sit down, or stop throwing water around, or to not cut their hair, or tie themselves to the chair, or to stop hitting each other, or to stop painting on their clothes, or confiscating their toys and giving them back after class.
What the heck!
I left a piece of my heart in Taiwan.
I now know what it feels like to be heartbroken.
It kinda hurts.
Look at her. This is Penny I really loved her as my own.

Stanley. I can't say more other than I love him with all my heart!

Scott, this child is thee most thoughtfully cute thing you will ever meet. Seriously a stud, he's knows what's up in life. My favorite Scott expierence? Him going to the bathroom for 15 minutes and coming back soaking wet with his pants on backwards. I also love it while he sings at the top of his lungs while he goes to the bathroom.  

Tony. This picture is tells the story of Tony's whole existence.
See why I fell in love with him?

Flora of Flora.

Joe. This kid is disgustingly flexible. He seriously would pull his arms out of their sockets. It completely grossed me out. I had to threaten him with warnings because it weirded me out so much!

My blessed 3A angels! We did tye dye on one of our last days of class. What a joy! They took great joy in wearing those garbage bags and kept saying there were the garbage class. Their little werido's but I love them! So i'm really scared of cockraoches so and I had to kill a couple in class. I always made quite the scene screaming and all. So they for whatever reason called me, Mr. Ridiculous (ridiculous being a spelling word I taught them thank you very much!) cockroach. Teacher Mr. Ridiculous Cockroach, how classy.

This is Grace, the greatest person ever! She was one of our college students and she is so great. She's trying to pass some tests so she can come get her Ph.D in America. I REALLY hope she comes. Nothing would please me more.

This is Jacob. My Taiwanese crush. He is INSANE, if he could speak fluent English and was America we would be married.

My favorite boys Alex, Jacob, and Antonio. They made my whole college class teaching experience. AHH even just thinking about how much I will miss playing charades with them to try to figure out what in the devil they are saying makes me sad. I never thought coming home would be this hard. We had such deep roots there, it was my life. I had a social scene, routines, I knew the ladies at the grocery store... it's hard to leave that forever.

Lison is the most adorable person EVER! She's a ping pong champ too.

Becky. I just love her.
I know you're probably wondering if I am drunk or something right now, because i put such a HIDEOUS picture of myself up here but... it needed to be done. This was our goodbye to our dear 7-11 ladies. They were so adorable and we really got to know them (or at least tried, it's kinda hard with the intense language barrier and all) But they cried when we said goodbye. It was so sad.

Well, here I am sitting at home next to a warm fireplace. I am so glad to be home, sometime I thought the time would NEVER come when it would be time to finally come home. Now that i'm home it's so weird to me. Did I even leave? What the heck!! I think it's mostly just weird because I can't really explain the things I saw and the experiences I had to anyone and they will understand. No matter how many times I tell you about my cute bracelet man at morning market or about our cook Linda at the school, it just isn't the same as if you had met the people yourself. Oh well life goes on and I learned a LOT and I know that. That's all that really matters. I hope I can instill some of the welcoming loving Taiwanese culture that I experienced for the rest of my life

1 comment:

  1. I just read this. I miss you. I miss our country. I am happy to be home. But I too am heartbroken. I dream about that little island almost every night. Who knew that six months could change your life so drastically...
