Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hun Hoa

Life is good. Life is great. Life is Beautiful. Like is Lovely. 
Wanna know why?
#1: I received a package yesterday from my great familia. Made. My. Day.
So here's the thing. At home, I have copious amounts of clothes. I didn't bring so many to Taiwan, and alot of what I did bring I don't wear because clothes just get ruined here. Therefore, you may not have noticed but surely will now, I wear the same thing over and over and OVER and OVER and OVER!! My parents have noticed this, and like great people they sent me some shirts and tye dye. YOu know what that means?!? This weekend looks like a party! What else was in the package you ask? Oh just some twizzlers, tootsie rolls, and tootsie pops.... not my favorite candy or anything.... 
Currently i'm wearing one of the white t-shirts (I just couldn't wait to wear a new shirt) and i'm munching on some twizzlers (why I have grown this weird liking for licorice while I've been here, I've not a clue)

#2: My kids are Hilarious. Want to hear a funny story? Well, you're going to here it anyways....
So, I have this class of kindergarten kids, they are banchi's let me tell ya!! Sometimes I just sit back and laugh because these children are so out of control. Seriously, INSANE! But anyways, last week a kid asked me if he could go to the bathroom. Not wanting another pee your pants in class incident, I said yes. Usually it takes kids a whopping 30 seconds to go to the bathroom and be back. Not this kids. Seriously 10 minutes later he still wasn't back. Due to the craziness of the class and that our school intercom system is being fixed, I couldn't go to check on him. So, after about 15 minutes he returned..... His pants were on backwards and his hair and face was soaking wet. Umm..... hi there bud! Did you just decide to take a shower while you were in the bathroom or what? I'm not sure exactly what went down, but let me tell ya, no matter how hard I tried to hold it in, you can bet I was belly rollin in the middle of class! 

Those are just two brief reasons why my life is so great. Thought i'd share. 

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