Sunday, October 24, 2010

Whoa chu jian, ziah nall lee?

As I mentioned earlier, I got a tie dye kit from the parentals. This Friday night rocked. We decided to hang around ChangHua this weekend because we were invited to go to a dance concert for some of our kids (I know what you're thinking, I thought the same thing) This is the result of some good ol' tye dye....

As you can tell we did not use gloves.... and If you're gonna tye dye you MUST use ALL of the dye..... hence the large amount of plastic bags full of whatever random stuff we could find. And of course to honor my old disgusting shirt, that seems to be on whenever I take pictures, I had to wear it. 

The finished result! Jealous? I'll now be sportin a sick new skirt, 2 shirts, a pair of socks, and my disgusting Tom's got a nice little face lift! If you were sick of seeing me in my old tye dye shirt, well now you're going to see even MORE of it!!
And not to worry, my mama sent me with a refill pack. Meaning.... I will be tye dying with my 5th grade class. That should be rather interesting, considering the kids nearly blow a gasket when you put food coloring in their food and it dyes their tongue (they think it will make them sick). I'll let ya know how it goes.

On Saturday we made a trip to Taichung in hopes to see this beauty.

The Natural Science Museum. We had our bus number's ready and set out on our way, so well prepared. Or so we thought..... We got on the bus that was supposed to take us to the museum, after quite the long ride, the bus driver pulled over and motioned that we had to get off the bus. Uh.... ok? We knew we weren't in the right place because we had our specific stop to get off at. So being left in the middle of the city we wandered around for a little bit, thinking the bus driver kicked us off because there was something to see. Don't worry, there wasn't anything. So needless to say... we didn't get to the museum yesterday. However! 

We did stumble across this old Confucius temple that was kinda cool. Honestly when I first got here I was so dumb struck by the coolness of all the temples. Obviously i've lived here a while because I really could care less about the temples now... But this one was a little different. They had these sacrifice burning majig's where they bury and burn hair, blood, and silk. Supposedly it's the only temple that has them in Taiwan and I found them rather disgusting.

But the ULTIMATE SCORE OF THE DAY goes to none other than the THRIFT STORE!!
I've been hunting like a mad demon to find these! Pretty much every house and store you go into here has one of these puppies hanging on the wall, and they are all so cool! I've been WANTING on so BAD! But despite my savage like scavenger hunt I've been on to find one, I've only failed... Until yesterday! We saw this thrift store a while back and wanted to go in it, so yesterday we did. At first they really only had a lot of quite frankly junk that should have been thrown away 20 years ago. As we were about to walk out the door, we stumbled upon these. You can bet that I bought 5, yes FIVE, of them in all sorts of different shapes and designs. Some of them are a little hammered but that makes them all the better, so count yourself as one lucky devil if I decide you are special enough to receive one once I get home.


Like I said we were invited to go to a dance recital Saturday night, yet again, we thought we knew where we were going and surprise SURPRISE!! We didn't. We rode our bikes to where we thought the recital was to be at, and there just happened to be a dance recital going on outside, obviously we thought this HAD to be it. We sat there for a while, and most dance recitals are bad enough.... this one was really bad. After sitting through 45 of agony, the girls dad came running up to us, after looking for us around the town for a while, and told us we were at the wrong place! 

So, after sitting at the dance recital of dance rejects we got to the right place. It was actually not too bad, unfortunately we missed the girls dance, but we got to see the older kids which were pretty good! 

So, today being our stake conference call me a sinner but you can bet that I was NOT about to travel 2 hours to get there. So, we went to our local ward. It was splendid. This is our sweet friend Amy. She is awesome! Kinda a tom boy and I loved her church get-up so much today I had to take a picture. Like the playboy shirt? They don't understand what playboy is here, or the F-word for that matter. It's plastered all over the place!! But we did see one of our students from our college class at church. She is getting baptized in November so we were super excited about that! One of the members said they have at least 1 or 2 new baptisms a week here, which is incredible!

Wow, I'm on a yik yaking roll today. Sorry! 

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