Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kids are Kids. (period)

So a really big reason that I came here was because I wanted to be fully submersed living in another culture. Well... I surely have accomplished that, like it or not. So I've discussed the whole saving face thing as part of their culture, ya that bugs me a slight amount. The next aspect of Taiwan culture i'm about to fill you in on, more than bugs me, it down right TICKS ME OFF. That's right it really just chaps my as*.

LET your KIDS. BE kids.

I understand people are busy, and i've obviously never been a parent, but c'mon people. Kids here are so freaking JAMMED packed with activities regarding their education they literally don't have any time to play. It. bugs. me. Seriously these kids, starting at age 5 go to Chinese school, at 7:30 in the morning and the little ones get off at 1:00 and the older at 2 or 3 I think. Doesn't sound so bad right? ERRrr wrong. They then come to our school for at least another 3 hours and after that some go to other schools to help them with certain subject like: math, art, piano (not even kidding 90% of these children play the piano, and play it WeLL). Or they just stay at out school doing their Chinese homework waiting for their parents to come and get them.
No lie these kids, even the 5 year old, have at least 2 hours of homework every SINGLE night. Where is the time for dolls, and playing in the dirt? OH ya! It doesn't exist.

Okay, sorry I can't quite get off my soapbox yet. This one, this one right here, is what chaps my A*s. I can't say that I really hate anything about Taiwan, but this, I hate. Unfortunately these people left a bad impression on me, a really bad one. Child Abuse, yes abuse both verbally and physically. Here are some stories of just the icing on the cake.

- If our kids don't get above an 80% on their tests, they're supposed to re-take it. No big deal right? Wrong again. My kids will beg me to not tell their parents when they don't pass (sometime even if they get below a 90%). Why? Because their parents hit them, with belts. PEOPLE!! Your kids schedules are so damn packed with Chinese school as it is, give them a break if they don't pass a test! Some kids are lazy, none of mine are. So, needless to say none of my kids parents are ever informed when they fail their tests. (which is not that often by the way.)

-This happened to me just today, and I was sick about for quite a while. So I have a morning class with two of the cutest little girls. (i've talked about them before) On Monday's we go out in the town somewhere, today we went to the park. We were playing doctor and I was the girls patient. One of the girls wanted me to lay down on the pillow and seriously just tapped me with the pillow. She's 5, it's what 5 years old do, I laughed and just told her she was silly. The mother flipped. After at least 15 of talking to, what she said I don't know because it was in Chinese, she finally made the girl get down on her knees and bow and say i'm sorry 3 times. Awkward.... but I gave her a hug and said it was ok. I thought that this was enough as it was. Nope. Then the Mom called the dad to come. What he did, honestly in America would have gotten him arrested. Too bad here he is a police man, so he was doing nothing out of the ordinary. He started yelling at this child in the MIDDLE of the PARK! Full on. Yep, guarantee if someone saw this in the US they would call DCFS, then he started hitting her. hard. At this point the dad honestly would have been arrested on the spot. My heart broke. I didn't know what to do. Honestly, there really was nothing I could do, and this went on for at least 40 minutes. It was the most horrible thing I've ever experienced. America needs to spread the word about a new concept called time-out. It works like a charm.

I'm sorry for this grim post, but it had to be said. i know and realize i'm not a parent and obviously don't understand the whole concept. I know you want the best for your kids, but seriously? I'll say it again, let your kids me kids. They're going to pick their nose and eat it, and full on fist fight their little brother and sister, they want to play with dolls and toys, let them. Call me some hippie or something but gall lighten up people!!

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