Sunday, October 3, 2010

Taiwan, you never cease to amaze me.

Here you have Wong Gong. This lovely little town on the beach, if a beach is what you could call it. We more or less just wanted to see the ocean so we went to the nearest place possible. It was an interesting little place. Fun, though. It was dedicated, I mean DEDICATED, to fishing. It was the towns calling in life to be clammerians, and scalloperoo's. Cool though and it really was a beautiful place. I'm a sucker for the ocean in any way shape or form, even if it does reek real bad.

Here are their intersting little make-shift clam cars. They were super goofy looking, it kinda reminded me of a dr. suess book or something.

A while ago we went to the Confucius temple in Changhua and saw that there was some sort of dawn festival. After researching it we decided it was a big deal, and worth going, and ya know what? It was, well.... as good as it could get considering we had to wake up at 5:30 in the freaking morning! Come to find out the ceremony here in our little town is one of the biggest in Taiwan.

It was quite interesting, and duh since I don't speak Chinese I didn't really know what in the devil was going on. But these people marched around, sang and did a whole bunch of crazy stuff. Confucisim is all about education so there were a ton of students there, who I'm pretty sure had been standing there since like 5 in the morning. Some were passing out and such.

So started running low on Honey Bunches of Oats this last week, so obviously we had to make a trip to Costco! DUH! Maybe I just haven't inspected the Campbell''s soup isle too carefully but for some reason I thought this soup was really funny. Oxtail? really? Is that normal? And the other, I know you can't read it too well but it's corn bamboo mushroom and seafood soup... YUM!

This Saturday we had the General Relief Society Broadcast at the church. This is how it goes here in Taiwan: 20 girls huddled around a computer trying to watch the screen. Interesting, but it turned out great and we still got the message across. Let me tell after going to church here and traveling 1 hour each way, I will come home and be so GRATEFUL for church a whopping 5 minutes away. Good thing i'm only here for 6 months or I may go inactive pretty soon. No exaggeration, literally.

After the meeting we went to TGI Fridays. Yep, at first I was a little disgusted and vowed to never go there while I was in Taiwan. After 3 months and some American food deprivation, I caved. Oh and let me tell you it was SO good.
Thanks to my wonderful mother and father I have a deeply embedded love of tortilla chips and salsa (and twizzlers, which aren't here gosh dang it). Considering that these staples food have been missing in my life for 3 months, I've obviously started to miss them. Well, I got some Mexican goodness on Saturday, it was exactly what I was craving. Ok, I need to stop with all this food talk. It's really ridiculous I sound like is all I have is food on my mind. I may sound obbsessed with food but I swear i'm not, just sometime lets be honest, we get bored here. really bored. sometimes it's the only thing we have to takl about....

We also went for a nice little hike on Saturday on our mountain. It was rather lovely! But I must say if Taiwan doesn't cool down soon.... so help me.... I may just LOSE MY MIND!! But we found the coolest cemetery that went for Acres and ACRES and acres it was awesome! The graves here are interesting and super cool, they;re really big and i can't quite figure them out. This picture is one I just got off the internet because I forgot my camera. Most of them look like this, most are a little smaller, but there will be zillions of them and i'd say about 1/4th of them are kept up with the grass cut the rest just go to rack or ruin. It's weird.

So, da da da dah! There ya have it, a brief synopsis of the life of me. I'm on the downhill now which is odd. I still can't comprehend time here. Sometime it feels like i've been here a whole freakin ETERNITY and then other times I can't even comprehend how i've already been here for 3 months.

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