Monday, November 1, 2010

Kauila(HAPPY) Halloween!!

This past week was Halloween. So I know I've mentioned before that teaching is sheer and utter chaos about 85% of the time. Oh my holy hail. Lets just say I never knew things could get so crazy around the school until the day of the Halloween party! Here are some pictures of the madness......
We had a haunted house. These poor poor children. I wish I had a video of how far this little gal jumped, she was clinging onto me for dear life as I lead her through. But that's not the reason this was so chaotic.... lets just say obviously we needed at least 2 people in the haunted house at a time meaning.... we had to leave our classes alone while we led a group of kids through. Needless to say, the kids DEFINITELY had their fare share of fun for the day. Little twits.

My little youngster class... This class may or may not be the death of me. DANG good thing these kids have me wrapped around their finger. Their just so CUTE. Example a: the child raising his hand, words can't even describe the greatness of this child.

This is Penny. She helps me keep my sanity in my crazy class of little ones. She speaks pretty well and I swear she understands whenever I feel like i'm going to explode. She'll give me some ridiculous look or say the cutest little thing. I never knew I'd rely on a 7 year old so much to help me keep my sanity.

Meet Jim. Jim also, surprise surprise, holds a special place in my heart. He is ridiculously smart and ridiculously funny to butte. He didn't dress up on Halloween, I asked him why. He said, " I did" he then walked up to the board and said i'm Teacher Kailey and wrote No HW on the board. (only you have to understand that the reason I love Jim so much is because you know when you make fun of asians and how they talk funny when they speak English? Well Jim talks like this on an EXTREME level. Every time he opens his mouth I just love it and his little hahaha Asian laugh could not get any better)

Aside from Halloween I have some other random things i'd like to share.

#1: As I was sitting here writing this I looked around my room. This is my reality ladies and gentlemen. I wish I could take a panoramic picture so you could see it all. Our gosh dang washer broke and there is extreme wind outside... meaning all my clothes are hung around in my ridiculously small room. I can't wait to come home to a dryer again, although I think all of my shirt collars are so hammered they will not be coming home with me now.
#2: This is also my reality. Remember way back when, when we went to Jhoushan? I've been kicking myself ever since we went for not taking a picture of the statue in the middle of the city of a woman breastfeeding. Well, apparently that trend has spread throughout Taiwan. This is plastered on the bus. Apparently it's a really good marketing tactic to motivate women to breast feed by shoving another woman's boob in their face. Nice.

#3: Ok so I know that this looks like Halloween and I know I already covered that but.... This picture is great for another reason. Well first of all check this guy out. They really don't get the dressing up for Halloween, Super-Man, Gorilla, and laterns? Really? But you wanted to know the GREATEST part of this picture? Do you notice anything different about me and Karyn in this picture? Wait a minute is my hair down? It hasn't been down for nearly 4 months now, and am I wearing a half sleeved cardigan?! WHAT?! Ladies and Gentlemen I'm happy to inform you that the weather has COOLED down. I've been brewing in a pot of jealously at you guys and the cool weather you have back home. Well HA how the tables have turned. It is now in the mid 60's most days. I couldn't be happier. Thanks to David Curtis Larsen, I have been raised to be a warm blooded human. Our house growing up I swear was always right above the freezing level. Until coming to Taiwan, I never realized my SEVERE HATRED for the heat. Seriously i live in Utah, Utah is a desert. Taiwan heat has NOTHING on Utah, NOTHING. Thank you for the change of seasons, I couldn't be more thrilled about the fall weather. 

We also went to Taipei again this weekend with our branch. We went to Chang Kei Shek memorial again. it's so great. I love going to the temple here. It's always an interesting little adventure....

So there ya have it, a brief synopsis of my life.

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