Sunday, November 28, 2010

One Damn Big, Super BIG wind damper.

I've been looking forward to this weekend, for how long now? A while I tell you. I had high expectations, and it met them. Everyone you talk to around these parts tell you the National Palace Museum is a must see for Taiwan. So we went.

Just some more random Taiwan sculptures on the way to the temple. Obviously if you're going to put a statue of a polar bear you need a seashell (I know it's hard to see) and dolphin necks poppin out. Are you an idiot?
This is THEE place. Thee beloved National palace Museum. Complete with a picture of one rocking man. Hey, they have taken hundreds, yes HUNDREDS, of pictures of me. I can take a couple of them right?

*don't be surprised if I come home with a staring issue. It's come to my attention that the Taiwanese have taught me to stare. Not staring in a secreative way. FULL on non-discrete staring people. so i apologize in advance.*

You aren't allowed to take picture inside. Holy Molley, this place is like the Vatican of Asian art. Seriously. A man by the name of Chian-kai-Shek came here from China and brought TONS of belongings with him. 65,000 pieces to be exact. They change out some of the exhibits yearly, some every 6 months, and have enough to last 60 YEARS!!! Some of it dates back to 3rd and 4th century B.C.

And don't you worry I am officially in the going-home-soon mindset. Meaning I don't just look at things and think, "oh that would be cool to buy, but i'll keep looking." No sir. I BUY things and LOTS of it. At this rate i'll come home with about 65,000 pieces of Asian goodness. Lucky for you guys I must say. 

A couple of posts ago I talked about how a large majority of the streets are above with city below. Here is a prime example of it while we were in Taipei. Still is so weird. You have no idea the crampness for space it is here. My eyes ache because the majority of the time I can only see 2 blocks ahead of me. I never would of guessed I would CRAVE just looking far in the distance so much. 

Last time we went to Taipei 101 we didn't have time to go up. This time we did. It was all decked out for Christmas and all, even Christmas Music. It was like i was back in good old Layton Hills Mall or something. (Notice the bags? Ya we did some shopping and carting those puppies around all day was NO easy task I tell you.

Taipei 101 on New Years. We're not sure if we are going to be able to make it in time to go this year. But this'll do for now. Can you imagine how COOL that would be in real life though? 
(Yes I realize my legs are awkwardly looking like i'm in a squatter position or something. I don't know what I was trying to achieve there.)

This. I think we were really tired but this made our trip. You can't get out of the place without looking at the super big wind damper.

Have you ever seen a Super Big wind damper before? Well.... ha I pity you. Quite a stunning spectacle. It's just such a damn big super big wind damper, I know.

Oh!!! That's how you're supposed to use it! Gosh i've been wrong ALL of these YEARS! My real concern is, obviously there must have been some sort of problem to even have the idea to make the sign in the first place. Generally public toilets have squatters, but seriously people you don't know that the hole is for your business? You'd go on the floor in front of it?

And that was the end of our lovely trip to Taipei. Taipei is a grand city people! Seriously and the majority of people speak English and speak it WELL!! Not lie there were at LEAST 5 times when we obviously were confused or lost looking at a map and pointing around and someone came up to us to help. They all would spoke UNDERSTANDABLE great English.

These our some of our students and friends. (the girl in the coral is the one who just got baptized) They came over tonight and taught us how to make some Taiwanese noodles. They were delicious, so prepare yourselves for when I come home. You too will be trying them. (that is if I can muster up the ingredients at an Asian market) In return we taught them how to make chocolate chip cookies. They were so amused and got such a kick out of rolling the dough. It's so fun! starting this week we are going to do it every Sunday. I only wish we would've started that tradition 5 months ago.... 

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