Friday, November 12, 2010


So, i'm sitting here waiting for my cookies to bake, which let me tell you is no speedy thing in our toaster oven. And I look down and see this. Do you know what this is? Let's just say if you ever asked a child here, "what color is an orange, or lemon for that matter", they say green. What the? When I first got here I was so blown away by it. Now.... completely normal, but when I stop to think about it... it really is weird. Way weird. I can't tell the difference between oranges (which this is an unusually large one, usually they really are the size of a lemon) lemons, and limes. Not kidding it's just a guessing game at the market. At least you know you're getting something citrus right?

While still bored sitting in the kitchen, it's been over a half hour now for one batch ONE, I start looking around and bam! I see this..... 
Our FULL size fire extinguisher. 
So ya know it has crossed my mind a couple of times that I don't know what in the devil we would do if there were some sort of disaster that were to happen. Seriously I'd already be a wreck in America if some sort of thing happened, but here, holy smokes..... It would soooo not be good. 
Apparently our cute little guards at our apartment complex got the same idea. Seriously these guys are so cute they wave at us everyday and keep a pretty dang good tabs on us too! I love being greeted by their cute chinglish "good morning" no matter what time of day it is. 
But anyways our doorbell rang the other night. We were greeted by a guard with this baby.... One would think maybe their just giving one to everyone in the building. No, that's not the case this thing is pretty dusty. I don't know why either but i take great pleasure in the fact that it's a FULL SIZE fire extinguisher. Seriously weighs 25 pounds. 
Please just pray we NEVER need to use it. 
So, there's my boredom spheel. oh and the reason I'm making cookies is because we're going camping this weekend. With our kids. Who's parents don't really speak that good of english. and 20 of their friends. i'm reeeaaalll excited.... (please sense sarcasm here.)
I'm sure i'll have some stories to tell.

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