Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Some things just never will change, well kinda....

I'm going to be honest with you, my life on the weekdays is usually pretty dang un-eventful and monotonous. NOT this week! I'll start out with the glorious events of yesterday. So you know i've been teaching a college class. Well the classes we teach are all the student athletes, and this week was their athletic week! On Tuesday afternoon they had a show and invited us to go. So we did. (luckily the wee ones have school late that day so we don't teach until 5ish) Here is part of the show that they put on.....
just some Taiwanese males showing off there sick muscles! Ya be jealous their not your students. 
Two of my students, Becky and Jacob. I with Jacob could speak fluent English with all of my heart. He is absolutely OUT OF CONTROL! He likes to yell my name REALLY loud every time I see him and talks and sings louder than any person I know. You guys would all get such a kick out of him. 

So... we were a smidge late for their show and missed part of the tae-kwon-doe segment. The dean of the athletic department noticed we were late and had them put on a private show just for us!

These guys have got talent! Above, some kid came running and bounced off the dude in the white standing and broke a board the guy was holding on the other guys shoulders (did that just make any sense, I think I could get a little more wordy if you'd like.)

And here this kid came and did some sweet front flip and broke a couple of the boards along the way. 

And of course no show would be complete without them showing us a thing or two. Ya I broke that board..... i'm tough I know. A little more than POSITIVE they bent it for me to break.
Making a complete and utter fool of myself. This guy had us saying HA HA HA with out punches and everything. Lets just say a couple of my student were rolling around and slapping the ground they were laughing so hard. Teaching them next week otta be interesting..... I already sing and dance like a banchi in front of them in class. Now, now i've really lost all my dignity.

The whole team.

I must mention also, later that night they invited us to some activites too! I don't have any pictures however. BUT we got to do some archery, which was pretty sweet. They also did this freaky fitness test which told be things about my body fat, muscle composition, and other things I quite frankly never wanted to know. But on the plus side we took a balance test. Guess what??!?! I RANKED SUPER HIGH. HA little more coordinated than you all thought after all.

But with that said, you'll be amused by what happened today.....

This. Wanna hear what happened? Sure ya do.

You think Utah is bad about all of the dang road construction going on? Think again, I truly believe Taiwan has them beat. They've been laying some pipe and literally EVERY SINGLE road they have dug up in the ENTIRE city. It's a mess.
I go have to go through an intersection to get to the school everyday. It's a big one and has 4 roads all coming together. So this morning I was riding my bike to school. While riding you have three choices at that intersection: take a sharp right, an easy right, or go straight. Usually I take the easy right but the road is closed because of construction.
I'm just minding my own business pumping through the intersection when BAM! Some lady apparently decided I wanted to go down the closed street or something that bashed right into me! Her scooter and my bike were connected for a second. In my mind I thought oh, ok ok i'll be ok i'm not going to fall. URRR wrong. Biffed it. Hard. I don't even really know what happened is all I remember was laying in the middle of the intersection wanting to pass out. While laying there I realized, oh my heck I"M IN THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION. The other lady pulled out and was waiting for me. I hobbled to the end and assessed the damage. Can you imagine this clearly in your mind? Kailey getting nailed in an intersection is enough as it is. Let me remind you i'm  in Taiwan. So lets just say it caused quite the scene. I had no idea what in the devil anyone was saying, so the only best solution I knew of was to get back on my bike, which still works fortunately, and ride away.
I got to the school and our cook was so cute. She was ticked the lady didn't give me money! and kept saying "she give you money!" But anyways they took me to the doctor. I must admit I NEVER wanted to go to the doctor office here, But I didn't have much of a choice. let's just say it's much different than in America and not quite as clean.... but they got err done. I got some stitches in my foot (i have no clue how many because I literally was about to pass out so they had me laying down and I couldn't see anything) cleaned out my road rash, which hurt like the devil, they also gave me some interesting medicine that i'm supposed to take three times a day..... If i was in America I wouldn't do it. here i'm taking those puppies, I'm NOT getting an infection.

Here's a picture of the battle wounds, and how the doctor fixed me up.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Weird. We're going back to that restaurant Tasty which gives you a 7 course meal. Not too shabby of a substitute i'd say. 

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