Saturday, November 20, 2010

Call to the Wild

Kitty's family did it again. From the incredible 7 course meal at Tasty, the fun day in Shitou, and now our recent adventure, this cute little family is the best! I'm going to be perfectly honest i've seen lots of cool things in Taiwan, lots. But this could be one of my favorite day trips so far. (not sure if anything will beat Green Island though). 
We started out bright and early this morning and drove all the way in the bugger to the top of the mountain. This was not only glorious to get out and see the amazing beauty Taiwan has to offer but to get out of the DISGUSTING air! I can't take breathing in this grotty smoggy, death ridden soup much longer. Seriously. It's disgusting. No words can accurately describe the fog like sewer air mixed with the worse campfire smoke ever that I inhale  each and everyday! So with that said..... it was a lovely little break!

Chillin at the top, above the clouds. Glorious 

Taiwan and it's beauty. This pictures don'e even make it look that great. You should all just hop on over to Taiwan so you can really believe and experience what I am talking about. 

Say hello to the Sky Bridge. This thing was hmmm.... how would you put it? TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! Probably the craziest suspension bridge I've ever seen in my entire life. It litterly hugs the cliffs. To get to this puppy you have to climb jillions, seriously. Jiliions, of stairs even so steep at times they have spiral stairs. No lie. But oh baby oh are my sore knees now were SO worth every single step! It was really really cool and was over this super steep rocky gorge. 

Who is this man you ask? Oh that's just George Kitty's dad and probably the greatest Taiwanese man alive. I think because he and his wife lived in the US for a while they can understand our culture a little better and DEFINITELY some of ours rubbed off on him. I can't remember exactly why he was posing so ridiculously but he's great. I'm telling you, you all just need to pack up and come to Taiwan I don't care how good of a writer anyone is. No one. Nobody. Not one single person, can accurately depict this place and the people here. 

Another little baby suspension bridge. Not really that cool or nearly as grand as the other one. But somehow, I don't really know how but I caught this gem of a picture. (or at least I think so) Let me tell ya though unlike the other one (which you would think this would be the opposite) but this puppy SWAYED! every freakin step you took was like you were walking on a canoe in the water. 

Kitty and her mom. I look like a wholly mammoth compared to these tiny people. 

Ya know I may not be home for the whole Christmas deal. But take a look at these poinsettia's. There MASSIVE! 

On our way home we stopped at this town called JiJi. It was pretty cool touristy town that was hit really hard by a really big earthquake they had quite a few years ago! This temple was super cool though, it literally just collapsed, like STRAIGHT DOWN, didn't even crack the roofs or anything. Kinda cool looking.

So there ya have it folks.

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