Thursday, November 18, 2010

Campity Camper

I truly apologize for not updating this week and to be honest I'm really not in the mood to write right now. But, here's a brief synopsis.... so as you know we went camping this weekend. Uhhh... it was fun? Despite the fact that I'm not the biggest camper in the world. Ok, well maybe if you're going somewhere cool where you can actually enjoy nature I don't mind it. But, really people why in the ell do you want to go camping at some playground park area with running toilets, swimming pools, and not even any hiking trails.... to me it's just down right STUPID!! I'll go have my fun for the day and then go back home... simple as that. No D*** tent to set up, no sleeping on a rock solid floor, and air conditioning, yes sir i'll take that.  And to top it all off it rained the entire weekend.... mind you there were 10 small children with us.... I know you're really green with jealousy right now! But all-in-all it really wasn't that bad, i'm making it sound much worse! It was definitely a great cultural experience. I'll let the pictures explain the rest...... (so much for brief eh?)

The cute mother of our 2 students and our secretary who came along also! American camping food consists of all the classics hot dogs, hamburgers, beans, chips, snacks, pop, you name it. Here... notice the wok, cabbage, and chicken parts on that plate (of which I can't even describe nor want to know what part of the chicken it was I exactly ate) pumello, and corn soup for breakfast, not too different. 

Oh nothing just setting up our camp under a pavillion. Of which I've never been so grateful, that would've made for one miserable night and day in the rain let me tell ya!

Meet Barbi. I got the spend the whole weekend with this. 

And Eilleen, such a little dork. 

We were getting ready for bed and they came into our tent. Barbi took someone's book of Mormon and started pretending like she was reading it and telling us bedtime stories. It was probably thee most adorable little thing EVER!

Just gnawing on some good old sugar cane. No starbursts and skittles for these people. They keep it real.  

On Sunday we packed up and went to these super cool hot springs. They had clay in them and boy howdy we had some fun with that. (I wish the picture showed it better but, they had me looking GOOD!) oh and notice the swim caps? EVERYONE here EVERYONE wears them, and speedos too.... I have no clue why. Seriously though a matching swim cap comes with every swimsuit, male and female. 

So, before we left our school director told us we were going to a tower factory. We had no idea what in the devil that meant but ya know, i'm really getting used to never having  a clue as to what is going on so we just went with it! When we got there it was a TOWEL factory, hello!

These people mean business with their towel decorations. 

I'm going to make this for Festival of Tree's next year. It'll make BANK!

So there ya have it folks so much for short! But that's how the Taiwanese camp.... not really camping if you ask me, but we really did have a grand old time!
Saturday we're going with Kitty's family to this sky bridge. I'm stoked.

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