Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Begining to Make Sense

For my morning class I have just two little girls that are sisters. There mom likes to take us out a couple of days a week for class to experience some real world stuff. Today was great? We went to the bakery to make and decorate some cakes! Sounds fun right? Well.... it was fun, I just may never be able to eat cake again is all. (well at least Taiwanese cake, I don't think I could EVER give up American cake)
These people are sick nazti's but umm... hello apparently they really really really don't understand the whole germ concept! We went in and started making the batter for the cake, the place was a little dirtier than I would have liked but ok none the less. Well..... I really can't describe what went on in the batter making procress. Let's just say no handwashing, LOTS of sweat LOTS, washing dishes with hoses outside, mixing batter with your hands after they were just holding the dog, letting the dog run around the bakery, flour containers that looked more the garbage containers we use for our lawn clippings, and I could go on but i'll spare you.
Now it's beginning to make very clear sense why my bowels don't agree with me about 90% of the time while we've been here! I probably will begin making all of my bread purchases at the very large local grocery store where they wear hair nets, and gloves. May not be much better but a little more peace of mind to say the least.
Thought I would just share my over grossed-out-ness with you. But minus the disgusting cleanliness factors they've got going on it was quite fun!! Now I see why the cake isn't sweet they put about half of a cup of sugar in there and seriously the guy made 7 cakes! Whoosh that a sin right there.

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