Monday, September 13, 2010

Lee-Hi Er shrrra yi

So the month of September has officially not only become the month of my birthday it is my birthday month (in which Karyn and I both get to celebrate this because it was her birthday on the 11th). Meaning, I'm going to celebrate and party all the time. Need an excuse to do something fun, this month? Well..... it's birthday month so I have no limits. This weekend goes to prove that.

Quite a while ago we decided we wanted to do something great this weekend since Saturday was Karyn's birthday! We decided what is better than the beach? Not much i tell you.

What a way to begin the trip. Just the train ride to the actual beach was fantastic. The beauty of this country never ceases to amaze me, and yet the weekend only got better.

Welcome to Wushi beach. You can't see it to well but the mountain hugs the shoreline. Taiwan has perfected the things I love the most, beach and mountain.

Yep, we went surfing. Glorious. A surf lesson was even included in the rental of the board for only about $14 bucks. Too bad the lesson was in Chinese, so it was more like Kailey and Karyn making fools of themselves trying to read body language and copy movements. Believe it or not despite my spastic, uncoordinated ridiculousness I got up several times. Go me.

After a long day of playing at the beach, without eating lunch by the time dinner time rolled around my stomach was growlin. We went to Wushi with 2 other people. One was a girl from the other school with ILP and a taiwanese boy we met here. He brought us to dinner and ordered for us, since ya know we don't read Chinese. I put my trust in him to order for us whatever. Maybe not the greatest idea, this is what we were welcomed with..... 1: Fish head soup (which included tofu) both of which I totally LOVE. Not. 2:Crab! Which was actually delicious!! But, I felt like some cave woman while eating it because they don't give you a nifty nut cracker and a little fork like they do in the U.S. Instead you have your teeth and chopsticks. Now can you imagine my struggle it was to eat this? 3: Frog legs (silver bowl) they weren't actually too bad, and i'd eaten them before. So this wasn't to weird for me? 4: Raw fish. Now I've eaten sushi before with raw fish. No, no, no no no no NO this was on a whole other realm of raw fish. Ya know at least sushi has some rice and seaweed surrounding a tiny little slice of fish. No this was a mouth full, of lip lickin raw fish. I'm willing to try anything once. Once was enough, in case you were wondering, don't give me raw fish again. I tried it once and i'm not trying it again. 5: Fried Rice. This is the one in brown with the lid on. I didn't think you could make fried rice be weird, but you can. The actual rice and taste of it wasn't bad, it was just full of little shrimp with their heads still on them. Yep, I ate shrimp head, and surprisingly I like it.

So you maybe wondering why i'm standing on top of a mountain, with a helmet on looking like a fool right? Oh, that's just because we went para-gliding. I told you birthday month, no limits.

Incredible. Fortunately unlike our surf lesson our instructors spoke English. Shew. He didn't tell me much though, all he said was run and don't sit down. Ok? So that's what I tried to do... but I think I got a little excited and sat down to quick or something.... (plus I am the worldest biggest klutz) There are some bushes just below that grass. We ran into them before we actually took off. Scared the crap out of me, but obviously i'm still alive so it was all worth it.

Meet Poo Poo, my instructor. Don't ask me why he chose to name himself Poo Poo. He spoke english pretty well, or at least pretended he did, so i'm pretty sure he knows what Poo Poo is. This picture pretty much speaks for itself. Me still freaking out because I thought I was going to die after the bushwackin we did, and Poo Poo just laughing at the stupid foreigner girl.

How can you beat, jumping off of a cliff and flying around hundreds of feet in the air, with a guy named Poo Poo, in Taiwan, with a view like this? Oh wait! You can't.

I'm embracing turning 21.


(Not sure why this picture is huge)
What kind of weekend to the beach is it if you don't get completely fried? Not a good one at all, so we did. We got COMPLETELY FRIED!! My legs and all, which I don't understand how this happened I swear the sun here is Ultra or something. I freaking put on 50 spf, didn't do a d**m thing. Oh, and yes at the bus station in Taipei they have coldstone, being that I'm really starting to miss some American foods, we obviously had to get some.

So, that was our weekend. Pretty darn fantastic. I'm really truly am falling in love with Taiwan. I mean it's not too hard to get used to a country like this when you can go do things like spend the most amazing days at the beach or hike in the rugged junlgy forests all in the same day. Lucky for us we can do it. Teaching is hard. Really hard. Don't get me wrong I love my kids, but by the end of the week, I need getaways like this!

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