Monday, September 20, 2010


Alright, so I was just looking at that last post and realized how crummy is sounds. So, after our hard week I came home to this on Friday night.......

So, you're probably asking yourself "what in the devil is that?" Well, if you guessed it and knew it kudos to you! This right here is a mobile karaoke stage half semi full 'o' fun! Rolling down the street you may think this truck is full of fruit or something good like that, oh no it's even better! This puppy folds out into a FULL blown stage, flashing spot lights and all.

Yep, our nice quiet little courtyard became quite the hoppin place on Friday night. When we -came home we were greeted by a very large tent with dozens of families BBQ-ing and partying it up. At the end of the tent, and quite literally right outside of our front door was this gem. Yep, like I mentioned a while ago the Taiwanese mean business about Karaoke. And let me tell ya they've got some GREAT voices to go along with it.... not!
Of course we sang (Hey Jude to be exact) and made royal fools out of ourselves. But that makes it all the better right? After we sang a nice family gave us some shrimp. Mind you these aren't the nice little shrimp you get at home these puppies were the size of LOBSTERS! and yes.... I ate the nasty yellow and green brain head of the shrimp..... I may not be eating shrimp again for a while...

On Saturday Karyn and I decided to go to Taipei to go to the temple and do a little touristing. Here's some of what we came across.

Taiwan "art?"
(and you can't see it but there's water coming out of the head of that puppy)
I still, can't wrap my finger around what these people think reagarding their artwork.

Chiang Kai Shek Memorial. Way cool this place was GINORMOUS!!

Chian Kai Shek again. Way cool.

Notice the umbrellas? This was the welcoming of the typhoon that hit us on Sunday.

Yep, we FINALLY got our beloved typhoon. Kinda a pansy of a typhoon if you ask me though. It didn't even freaking last until Monday to give us the day off today gosh dang it! But still an experience none the less and they cancelled church yesterday because of it.

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