Saturday, December 18, 2010

Eee Dian Dian. Zhu Nee Sheng Dang Kuai LA!!!!!!

With our little time left in Taiwan, it was time this weekend to return to Lukang. Don't get me wrong here, we did not go here again to see the temples and tourist attractions, this trip was strictly shopping. OOOOHhhhh and that we did!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!  I wish you could see the sprawl of junk, excuse me not junk, Taiwan treasures I have laying ALL around my room! Let's just say over the last 6 months i've collected quite a load of stuff! But this weekend, ooh doggy, I got some reeeaaal cool stuff. I can hardly wait to come home and show and give it to you all!
Paint us a fan your the fan man. This man right here has got some talent!! He paints the most BEAUTFUL fans for people. You seriously can bring in any picture of anything and he will paint you a replica of it! It's so lovely. I won't mention what I had painted. We'll save that as a surprise for those who get one when I get home.

I really think the doors those some 300 year old temple doors would look just fantastic with Ninja Turtles and Spiderman don't you think?

After we made our visit to the "fan man" we HAD to make our way who else but the "Lantern man?!" This was the state of the man when we went to his shop. He's the cutest little old guy. I guess the traditional laterns, no the one hanging here, were on the decline and no one in the country made them anymore. Well, this man wanted to make a stop to that and single handedly has started making and bringing them back himself. He goes around to local High Schools and teaches kids how to make them, and has sparked  a big interest here in Taiwan about traditional lantern making. As you can tell, he was sleeping, when we came so his apprentice, son I assume made some for us. They are oh so lovely. I WILL have lanterns at my wedding reception. I will.

There we are in all of our American glory.
Do you realize what else is so great about this picture?
Let me direct you toward my legs. Do you see what is on them? Pants!! What? In Taiwan? Really? Yes it's official I wore my first pair of pants, during my whole time here on Saturday! Not going to lie it's felt pretty darn good to go pretty much 6 months with not pants!

Lantern man, doing what a lantern man does best. 

After our wonderful afternoon in Lukang we came home and immediately left for the night market in Taichung. HOLY CRAP!! So we thought we had been to some big night markets.... oh how we were wrong. This puppy was HUGE. Literally thousands upon thousand upon THOUSANDS of people. It was INSANE.  THis was our lovely little dinner, and one of our friends and students, Tiffany. 

I tell you GINORMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really you can't even grasp the vastness of this puppy. This road right here, literally is about a 10th of the size of the whole thing. It went on for blocks and blocks and blocks and blocks, and there was this amount of people everywhere you went. Don't worry I got some gems here also. The late Christmas we will celebrate when I get home is going to be glorious.

Do you see what that lady has in her hands and is "massaging" the lady in the sick purple velvet dress with? No, probably not because it;s kinda hard to see. Well I will tell you it's KNIVES! Some weird form of massage here where they bang you with butcher knives. Supposedly it's supposed to re-align your body. Had it not been 10:30 at night and we had been going at it since about 10:00 that morning I would have done it. But I was too tired.... dang.

CHRISTMAS is so close to being here I can taste it. I'm thrilled. Still is NOT Christmas here. But that's ok. 

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