Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just another "average?" weekday.

Ok, so I realize that it is now no longer a weekday, in fact on the cusp of yet another new week. (weird how time flies) but I started this last week and never got around to finishing it....

Every SINGLE day Taiwan throw us something weird. Everyday. Whether it's some person showing up as our doorstep that wants to randomly knows us and wants to be our friend, or if someone takes us somewhere completely out of the blue. 

Here's this well, this is the usual. Disgusting I know and I eat that stuff. I really am still amazed none of us have gotten severely ill. I wish I could of gotten the big bucket with all the intestines in it... dang.

You can buy fruit and vegetables at the store, which is what we usually do, but this how 90% of the rest of population does it. Random guys, sell stuff that grow, which very well could just be grown out of pots on their porches. It really interesting. They set up, not only at the market but all over the place. Pretty much any street corner you can imagine. 

I've mentioned how the Taiwanese are not a clean people. Seriously most of them could be on that TV show on Hoarders. This is a prime example of a house that had kept all of their belongings from back until the dinosaurs. 

Graffiti Taiwan style. Their gangs here are reeeaaalll scary.... 

One thing I will not miss about Taiwan is the water. I really REALLY hate not being able to use the tap water.  Even when you do, to shower and such it's not so enjoyable. Our shower and toilet get so digustingly filled with black gunk ALL the time because of the water. I's so gross. 
But there are the  water stations, where people bring their big old 5 gallon jugs and fill em up. They also have some water trucks that go around the streets and people will come out and fill up their water.
I uhhhh don't quite trust water from the stations, can you tell why? So I always either buy new water bottles or fill up at the school because they have a filter. 

Well here's what I was talking about as far as no day is average.....

So I went up to go to my college class this Wednesday. I walk into class and there was only 2 girl theres. Odd I thought. Then they came up to me and told me their was a traditional Chinese dancing show that night, so asked if it would be ok if we went to it for our class. Obviously, i'm going to say yes to that!!
It was sooo incredibly AWESOME!  It was a combined show with six schools. Three from Taiwan and three schools had come from different parts of China. It was kinda a big deal.

These guys were NUTS sitting there jumpin and bumpin around. Mind you these are humans and there are two people in that thing. They throw themselves around like they are rag dolls or something. It was rather amazing. Sorry I jsut tried to upload a video of it but it was taking a year in a half, so you'll have to wait untill I come home to see it.

So cool. Take a look at where these guys bodies are at. They were all over the place!

Again, just all over the place!!

If you can't tell that guy in the yellow has a ball that the dragon is trying to catch. So the whole show was pretty much the dragon chasing that dude around doing really ridiculous stunts along the way. 

Oh and don't worry I was the only American in the entire audience. So out of "honor" they had me get up and take a picture. Sweet. Mind you this was in front of the entire crowd. Just a tad embarrassing.

Friday night we went to Costco to get some un-mentionable gifts that some of you may be receiving. I found this amusing....
You think people are nuts about samples at home? YA RIGHT!! Check out that line... People here are ridiculous about free stuff. I'm not even kidding if it's free, no matter what it is, people will take it. You should see the amount of sauerkraut and ketchup they put on their plate in the food court just because it's free. 

The men's bathroom on the train. Yes that looks directly into the bathroom. Not much privacy while one does his business around this country.

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