Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Say hello to Utah State's Newest Ambassador.

Here's my mid-day week update...
Number One: Can you tell what these are? Cookies, yes I know and when we got them we were so thrilled, it looks and tastes like, for that matter the classic grandma cookies. But there not. They are wedding cookies! So we when we went to church on Sunday one of our friends invited us to go to her wedding next Saturday, of course we said YES!! Who wouldn't want to go to a full blown Taiwanese wedding?!?! Well she dropped off the inviation that night, with what else? COOKIES!! I guess it's just what you do here, cookies go with every wedding invitation. Kinda cool... WAY cool actually...

Update Number Er: University Presentations
Oh dear me.
So they wanted us to give a presentation to our college students about our Universities. Really not that hard, but take into account very few, seriously a handful, can speak English, and by speaking I mean some can mutter out some words. There may be 4 or 5 who are actually fluent. Makes doing a presentation a whole lot harder when they have no idea what in the devil you are saying! 
Overall it went over really well minus some  bumps in the road, and honestly i'm glad just to have the damn thing over with. Here are the bumps:
So Taiwan is supposed to be so technologically advanced. Well for whatever reason the University doesn't have microsoft 2007 on their computers, only 2003. So we go waltzing in, all of us who are already about to crap our pants as we walk in and see everyone, but I go up first to do my business. Powerpoint, NOT. Compatible. CRAP. So not really being able to do my presentation and have them understand a darn thing without it, I ran out of class and rode my bike home so blinking fast you wouldn't even believe it. Seriously, there are stairs in a couple of places, we usually take the bike ramp, nope stairs I went down, people go in my way, I rode in the grass and dirt. Whatever it took. I'm sure I was making quite the scene.
So I got home re-saved it, and back I went. So as you can imagine I was a huffin and puffin, naturally. I walk in to find 2 of the other teachers gone. Apparently the internet isn't working either. LOVELY.
Just happens that half of my presentation is videos from Utah State.
But in the end we just crammed into a smaller class where the internet worked and it was all honky dory. No presentation is complete without some bumps in the road right? That's what I figure...
A couple of people asked me about coming to Utah State. It would totally and COMPLETELY make my ENTIRE LIFE if they came. Seriously. Maybe I could squeeze some scholarship from Utah State out of it too for recruitment. Doubt it, but I can dream.......

Group one, notice the legit flier we are holding? No bid deal, just advertised all over campus. I'm THAT cool in Taiwan.

Group 2. I really REALLY love this class. Pretty much made this whole Taiwan experience. Seriously.

Time is winding down, seriously. We have to be all moved out by next Tuesday, meaning I have to pack and clean this weekend. We seriously have EVERY SINGLE DAY booked for the rest of the time we are here. I've never been so busy in my entire life.
For that reason we have decided to stay here this weekend instead of traveling and we're going to have a Christmas/Bye bye party on Saturday. I'm super excited!

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